Massage is not only a relaxing way of giving yourself ‘you’ time, it also has a number of physiological benefits for your body.
Some of the benefits of Massage include:
- Relaxes muscle spasms and relieves tension.
- Reduces muscular aches and pain.
- Aids in the removal of toxins and wastes from the body.
- Promotes circulation of nutrients and oxygen to the soft tissues.
- Revitalises energy levels.
- Enhances body awareness and understanding.
- By reducing stress and tension it can lower high blood pressure.
- Prevents and treats injuries.
- Promotes flexibility.
- Increases endurance and performance in athletes.
- Aids in recovery from sport and injury.
Most of all it feels great to give yourself permission to relax and heal your body in the hands of a qualified therapist.
So book in today – you deserve it.